Monday, February 28, 2011

14: Venezia

I've been lead to believe that Venice is an extraordinary city, that the water is a mist light blue-green that laps against the buildings that disappear right into the lagoon; that the city is a sprawling example of Italian opulence, and each twisty and narrow street holds an incredible find.

Venice during Carnivale is not like that though.

I'm sure that if I were to return to Venice (and actually stay in the city, not outside of it) Saint Marks Square would be breathtaking, similarly I'm positive that the Rialto would be exciting and beautiful. When there are thousands of people crowded onto the islands that make up Venice, it's not so fun. At one point we were gridlocked in a crowd for an hour. Imagine traffic but without the cars and instead of honking there were people screaming. Also, I discovered I have a weird shaped face that's not suited for masks...

There were some high point, though, that made me possibly return (I'd sooner go back to Milan or Siena, though). We saw a glass blowing factory, even though our itinerary said we'd be visiting the Island of Morano where the glass blowing production really takes place. I had the best lasagna since being here at a restaurant one night.

So in conclusion: for those who want to see Venice, don't go during Carnivale. If you go during the weekend of The Oscars, stay home for The Oscars...

Photographs in the next post!

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