Sunday, February 13, 2011

11: In-florenza

So the title of this post would be really clever if I were actually sick with the flu. I am sick, though. I caught that pesky mid-February cold that comes just as the weather starts to shift.

Being sick in another country so far away from my bed has made me a little homesick. Okay, I'll admit it; it's made me very homesick. This is surprising to me since I consider myself somebody who doesn't get homesick. However, waking up on a crappy IKEA mattress at 3 am because you've got terrible night-sweats and a scratchy throat can make any person wishing they were back in their own room and own bed.

I've actually been having quite a few of these "ah-ha" moments when I realize that this is it for the semester. I'm supposed to have this incredible and life changing experience, to learn so much about myself. I'm not sure if I'm there yet. Without the academic rigor of a jam-packed semester, like the ones I'm used to and thrive on, I've found that I have a surplus of free time to sit and think and walk around thinking, which is making me wonder what the point of a study abroad is... (The answer is to have a life changing and incredible experience) But I think I'll blame my cold and this crappy February weather for my sour mood (at the moment).

I'm not sure how effective the CVS brand day-quil I brought over is.

Hopefully this will pass in a few days, just in time for a weekend full of day trips to places all over Italy (Pisa, Verona, Milan...).

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